Word Studio invite people to get in touch by email, describing in about 200 words the project with which they would like assistance. This should cover:
The process
- What is the subject matter (brief summary)?*
- Who are the people involved (as authors or sources)?
- How big the book is expected to be?**
- What is the reason for writing the book?
* Nothing indecent or defamatory will be considered. Word Studio’s decision on whether to accept a commission is entirely their decision, and final.
** A book of around 250 pages will require a manuscript of perhaps 50,000- 80,000 words
Word Studio then communicates with the proposer, and asks for greater detail. If appropriate, a person-to-person meeting or at least extended phone conference is scheduled to tease out the issues. If the project is accepted by Word Studio, the following stages are:
- A full brief or proposal for the project is generated by Word Studio, specifying timeline (eg minimum two months, maximum two years), deliverables or ‘mileposts’, and payment schedule
- Acceptance by the client (proposer) of the brief, with a memorandum exchanged to lock down the specifics
- Payment of first advance (approximately 1/3 of the total)
- Work on the project, by way of sample chapter (first ‘milestone’)
- Feedback and confirmation of the approach taken
- Conclusion of 1/3 of the material – the second ‘milestone’
- Checking by the client of the initial manuscript sample; if acceptable to the proposer/author, Word Studio will move on to complete the project
- Submission of final draft manuscript to the client
- Checking and correction by the client, and final amendments
- Delivery of the full manuscript to the client and final payment.